It has destroyed jobs quickly, but not long ago it was also creating them in unprecedented Numbers.
It's hard to believe now, but not long ago economists were congratulating themselves over the success of their field.
Computers were invented not long ago, but they are very useful for us.
Not long ago, when his cat died, he cried and understood grief for the first time, but he knows he is difficult to live with because he cannot grasp what others are feeling.
On the other side there's the depiction, worn with age, of something that was important long, long ago, but not to me.
It sounds fanciful. But so too, not that long ago, did rapid and routine intercontinental air travel.
But maybe that is not the way things are; maybe everything was calculated long ago, a plan laid out that has only now taken effect?
The answer, in the magazine’s Franz Kafka’s Garage column, is: “Long ago, half-ton pickups could haul half a ton.” But competition led to more capable trucks, though the name did not change.
答案在一本叫<弗兰茨卡夫卡>的杂志上的一个车库专栏中作出了解答:"很久以前 半吨的小型卡车能拖拉半吨的货物."
One has to wonder what each person is doing today, but I know what they are feeling – that was me not so long ago.
He had worked as a fisherman for many years, but once long ago he may, or may not, have played the tenor sax in a dance band in Istanbul. It was hard to know exactly what he was trying to tell me.
Not long ago, it was anything but dull, expanding at an astronomical rate through one big deal after another.
That any traces at all remain from so long ago is astounding, and anyway it is not the completeness of the fossil record but its consistency that matters.
He is among us not as a vague memory of a person who lived long ago but as a real, life-giving presence that transforms us.
Not long ago a single Bitcoin sold for less than a dollar, but in recent months the price climbed to $8, then to $20, then above $30, before falling back to $18, the current level.
Had it been a drugs issue, she would have been suspended a long time ago, but this is a unique problem for which the IAAF's rules do not make provision.
Nisan told me that not long ago he had a real girlfriend, but that she dumped him.
A decade ago small surpluses were common in many rich countries (although not in Japan), but these are long gone.
He never thought it would be that way with Mary, a sharp, ambitious businesswoman in her own right, but not long after they'd been married, five years ago, he'd started to wonder about her.
Ye made also a ditch between the two walls for the water of the old pool: but ye have not looked unto the maker thereof, neither had respect unto him that fashioned it long ago.
Long ago, I learnt that the future is not what happens to you, but what you make of it.
Digicel applied long ago for a licence to operate in East Timor, for example, but has not received it.
Yes, Sir, but that is long ago; and when her circumstances were very different: I could not be easy to neglect her wishes now.
I saw a lady, not long ago, in India, and she had complete paralysis on her left side, a very intelligent woman, but had both anosognosia and somatoparaphrenia - you know what that is, right?
The painting was ready long ago, but that is not the point.
It was not that long ago it was thought to be quite impossible, but now the idea of meeting us has expanded your understanding.
In springtime, Florida becomes the host of a beachside bacchanal for college students, but not so long ago, it was a relatively low-key tourist destination.
Researchers have long believed that exercise boosts smarts but there was not any hard scientific evidence until a few years ago.
Researchers have long believed that exercise boosts smarts but there was not any hard scientific evidence until a few years ago.