The time was late, but not that late.
Now I do not believe that it is too late to change course, but it will be if we do not take dramatic action as soon as possible.
Both George and Michelle want to go, but George thinks that girls should not be out so late.
Eyjafjallajokull's most recent previous eruption, from late 1821 to early 1823, also had quite viscous lava. But that does not mean the volcano produced fine ash continuously.
Overall, this tool provides a service that many of us actually need, but will not realize until it's too late.
He stayed late on deck, after dinner, but that did not help him, for when he went below, he could not sleep.
DeLuca did not pinpoint whether these students voluntarily started college late, but at the very least, her work indicates that taking a gap year doesn't guarantee success.
But the Russians have of late demonstrated a degree of brutality that is not conducive to pleasant conversations.
Yes we all love to have fun and to wake up late but the reason many people hate Mondays is not that they want to rest but it's because they hate what they are going to do on Monday.
My view is that late-life language learning is probably beneficial, not because of bilingualism but because learning a language is a stimulating mental activity and a good way to exercise your brain.
A British journalist in Benghazi told the BBC that the city had been heavily shelled by pro-Gaddafi forces, but that there had not been any incoming fire since late afternoon.
It was past time for him to come home, but she was glad that he was late. The delay would give her time to quiet her breathing and calm her face so that his suspicions would not be aroused.
Not only that, but the standard was an after-the-fact write-up, which meant that by the time it came to fix problems (such as odd version Numbers) it was already too late.
But by the late 1960s, there were not a lot of success stories that Americans to which could point.
It's not that he expects a cook and a maid all in one, but when she makes him breakfast in bed or irons his shirt when he's running late, it shows him how much she CARES for him.
Too late, it dawned on me that the car I had got into was not a regular black-and-orange taxi, but a white vehicle with the word “Taxi” painted on the windscreen.
I say late spring, not late spring, but that the late spring of this year was.
Snow's theory had plenty of adherents, too, who believed that a cultural divide was not only deleterious but all-too-palpable in the corridors of late-20th-century academia.
We're not sure what Twitter is doing with all that money, but we would like to suggest that they use some of it to hire security professionals to help make the service safer... before it's too late.
But physicians should be concerned that we've not solved the problem of late stent thrombosis.
Late at night, eyes but not mind, you can feel that your atmosphere, as long as you appear in the.
But it's a pity that I am always not aware of the importance of time until it's too late.
This, coupled with the fact that we had started late, delayed us so that we did not reach the river that night, as we had planned, but holed up in a small town called Paicha.
Have a dream what time is not late. Though may fail, but I know that I tried my best.
Not because we expect anything, but because the effects of that kind of trauma sometimes show up late and unannounced .
Not because we expect anything, but because the effects of that kind of trauma sometimes show up late and unannounced .