To enrich a system you need variance in time and space. But too much change will kill you too.
But, he warned, according to a prepared text, 'I will not waste time with those who have made the calculation that it's better politics to kill this plan than improve it... if.
It's not the first time she's been threatened, but her lawyer said this time she received information about an imminent plan to kill her.
It can be a good way to kill time, especially if you stick to the relatively simple questions, but some people do it for other reasons.
She did not read simply to kill time, but the Bengali books which she read filled her whole mind.
But if any rookie hacker with some time to kill can crack your system, that's a problem.
It won't kill you if you fail to follow the instructions for how to use a new time tracking software program at work, but you may lose out on wages or waste time redoing your time sheets later.
But it was going to kill me, and there was no time to take a picture.
Time: That which man is always trying to kill, but which ends in killing him.
I used baking soda before to kill stomachache, but this time I just feel my stomach bloated.
These TV series are not only a good way to kill time but also able to provide more chances to inspire imagination and satisfy curiosity.
But how to kill this boring time is a question for many people, because most of them just sleep all day and night. Don't you think that sleeping is boring and waste of time?
But your idea of having one thread reading from the beginning and another reading from the end will make things slower because seek time is going to kill you.
In order to kill the tough time, I did some previews, but after a while, I could not do it anymore.
You can go for infantry squads to deal with the engineer, but if you make them too soon, the APC will have had plenty of time to kill them off before they have a chance to defend.
You must understand, at that time it would almost kill me to fast even one meal, but for the sake of writing a very anointed song, I thought it was really worth it... don't you agree?
Excited investors dashed to buy the stock with hopes of making a kill from the stock but that exhilaration could by now be burnt out for the short time investors.
These TV series are not only a good way to kill time but also able to provide more chances to inspire imagination and satisfy curiosity.
But it can kill the spirit of an entrepreneur to spend too much time in a big company.
On the contrary, some other people may have a lot of time at their disposal, but they are at a loss how to kill the time, and therefore feel bored and upset.
One day I approached my authorities and refused to fight. The next several days in jail gave me time to think. "It's easy to kill but so hard to know what to live for."
One day I approached my authorities and refused to fight. The next several days in jail gave me time to think. "It's easy to kill but so hard to know what to live for."