No muss. No fuss. But too many times in my life I have taken the easy way.
Sometimes, if you defer twice in a row, the other person will give up. But it's not good to defer too many times on a single request, as it makes you look bad.
And many places have plenty of water, or even far too much, at some times of year, but not nearly enough at others.
I tried to tell you the truth many times in my life, but I was too afraid to do that, as I have promised not to lie to you for anything...
But they were not too worried about the risk, they said, because it was the written test, not the driving skill and road tests, that she failed so many times.
But many times, the role would require little extra work, but has a lot more fear. They automatically use the too-busy excuse to avoid doing something that might scare them.
When dropped on the cement too many times, any phone would eventually break, but the iPhone proved that it actually is quite durable.
You can try SSH'ing to ginger with the -X option and launch it that way, but many times the bandwidth required is too much and you'll get frustrated waiting.
可以尝试使用-X选项通过SSH 连接到ginger并启动它,但这对带宽要求很高,您需要忍受等待的痛苦。
But I'm not than my boyfriend, he was bitter, when I was in the net cafe, there are many times think his class too hard.
Sure, I leave my iPhone at home most of the time, but there are far too many times that I come home and very quickly check-in to the pulse. Just in case.
I tried to tell you the truth many times in my life, but I was too afraid to do that, as I have promised not to lie to you for anything.
I need to use my license on another machine, but I get that message that my license has been 'Activated too many times'. What should I do?
Many times, watching too thoroughly but not happy.
I want to believe you, but I can't. You hurt me too many times.
I don't know how many times people state that "the 15m is doing such and such but it is too short a time frame to matter".
Many times the demon said this to us too, but we still went on to cast it out. As a result, the person did not die and now lives a much better life!
Too many times we kept the pain inside of us, too many times we tried to pretend we're okay. But beneath it all, we've already fallen apart.
I tried to tell you the truth many times in my life, but I was too afraid to do that, as I have promised not to lie to you for anything.
It's great to be highly familiar with the industry in which you plan to compete, but many times people see too many challenges, and never start.
I let her help mop, but she fell down too many times.
But we've seen this too many times before.
I tried to tell you the truth many times in my life, but I was too afraid to do that, as I have promised not to lie to you for anything.
MJ: No-one was responsible. I was warned many times about medication but the pain was too severe, and I felt I could not survive without it.
没有人要负责,关于这个药物治疗我被警告过很多次,但实在太痛苦, 没有药物我感到我不能忍受。
Too many times we pray for ease. But that's a prayer seldom met.
Canada was still regarded in London as a dominion which would always come to the aid of the mother country without asking too many questions, but times had changed.
Now I enjoy teaching, but I also know that I may not be able to do it forever, because it's not only me that has changed so many times, but the world I'm living in too.
He didn't have too many saves to make in the Motherwell game, but I've watched him on telly a few times for Denmark and he's a very good shot-stopper.
And if you miss too many times, it's unfortunate but it means game over!
And if you miss too many times, it's unfortunate but it means game over!