So, we have one, two, barriers as compared to a single barrier for a BWR system.
BWR produces electricity by boiling water, and spinning a a turbine with that steam.
In addition we put in control blades during operation to control power distribution in a BWR.
For a BWR this is a more detailed view of the reactor core, pointing out several of the functions.
The pressure in a BWR is about a thousand pounds which allows the boiling to take place in the core.
So the big difference between a PWR and BWR is that a BWR has a built in suppression pool for the steam that maybe released.
This one is the familiar one, inadvertent opening of a pressurised safety or relief valve in a PWR or a safety valve in a BWR.
A BWR contains thousands of thin, straw-like tubes 12 feet in length, known as fuel rods, that in the case of Fukushima are made of a zirconium alloy.
The influence of stiff length affecting stress distribution under different AWR, BWR and CR when stretching by NEM FM were simulated and analyzed.
数值模拟分析了新f M法拔长时,不同的砧宽比、料宽比及压下率情况下,刚端长度对应力分布的影响。
You could break a steam generator tube, you could break an instrument line and you could have a spectrum of pipe breaks in a BWR inside of containment.
This is a very important design difference between a BWR and a PWR. So, BWR fuel assemblies are essentially canned to make sure we have an adequate supply of cooling water.
And clearly, many different types of fuel assemblies, as you will see a BWR and PWR fuel assemblies are different and all heat that is generated in that one fuel pin needs to be removed.
They did some research, they did some preliminary analysis and they basically had the BWR people fix certain things but they concluded that it was kind of okay for PWRs back at that time.
The precisions of other state equations are checked with BWR equation which precision is very high. The method applying the BWR equation to gas network hydraulic calculation is proposed.
Now BWR fuel assembly is unique in the sense that because we have boiling going on in the core there needs to be some assurance that every fuel assembly is getting coolant and getting water.
To classify different segmented regions as text regions or non-text regions, two features of the black to white pixel ratio (BWR) and the cross-count (CC) of pixels were used for the classifications.
To classify different segmented regions as text regions or non-text regions, two features of the black to white pixel ratio (BWR) and the cross-count (CC) of pixels were used for the classifications.