The transaction load is characterized by a large amount of simple updates and reads.
Cookies are time sensitive and may not work if your computer date is incorrect by a large amount.
However, someone who sells short the shares may end up with very substantial losses if the price rises by a large amount.
Well, Microsoft employs a higher percentage of people in the U.S. by a large amount than the portion of our sales that are in the U.S.
Elsevier chose to increase the price by a large amount in the market of China. The history told us that another round of cooperative game began.
Automatic gain control (AGC) is a feature that deals with the fact that the recording volume may vary by a large amount between different setups.
Trigram Qian and Trigram Kun have an important position in Chouyi. They are also studied in depth by a large amount of scholars all through the ages.
Although a perfect symbol for the dark side of the "Force", it is still debatable whether this galaxy is dominated, like most others, by a large amount of dark matter.
Converter slopping is harm for operators and equipment, which is caused by a large amount of CO gas flow produced by unbalanced carbon and oxygen reaction and improper operation.
It is the first achievement of satirizing art that "the story is newly organized" by a large amount of "the words form that insincere" builds the satire result of novel personages and the story.
In this approach, a large amount of the application code is generated directly on top of the application framework and requires no modification by the developer.
Cripple your servers by sending a large amount of unexpected traffic, especially for pages that get millions of page views per day.
发送大量突然的请求将使你的服务器宕机(Cripple your servers),尤其是每天有数百万访问量的页面。
On Demand Page loading (ODPL) is a feature that reduces the amount of memory used by large forms and that increases the speed of form loading and processing.
OnDemandPageLoading (ODPL)特性可以减少大型表单使用的时间,提高装载和处理表单的速度。
This is done by tricking a WPA to send out a large amount of data, and then mathematically cracking it without using a dictionary attack.
By and large, the inventions and discoveries worth patenting are those in the pharmaceutical and biotech fields, where the pay-off for blockbuster drugs can amount to billions of dollars a year.
You can save a large amount of time and disk space by setting high debugging levels only when you need them.
Minimize the amount of water your toilet uses with each flush by putting a plastic bottle (a large pop bottle will do fine) filled with sand or gravel in the toilet tank.
Rather than promise to buy a large amount of bonds by a certain date, the Fed will probably announce more modest amounts over shorter periods, predicating future instalments on the outlook.
Although many of the factors affecting concentration are beyond your control, a large amount is determined by behavior.
They say it expanded by 16 percent - a surprisingly large amount - indicating it is much younger than previously thought.
Second, even if its exchange rate is not overvalued, a country could face a successful attack by forex speculators if it does not have a very large amount of foreign exchange.
You can check whether you're receiving a large amount of output from the connectors by looking at the log file.
This condition can be brought about by being genetically succepbtible to this condition, over-eating, or consuming a large amount of highly processed carbohydrates.
A study by Internet research firm Epitiro said the differences in speed is particularly noticeable when a large amount of data is being transferred over a wi-fi connection.
We have a background job to load a large amount of IsoDeal data by chunks for downstream processing.
The tools eliminate a large amount of required coding in the Web services integration, and allow you to construct business processes by dragging and dropping the WSDL files into the tools.
A large amount was deceived by that deceiver.
A large amount was deceived by that deceiver.