Now, I'm no hero but I am familiar with the bystander effect which makes it more likely that I will intervene and also makes me a bad subject from which to draw a more general conclusion.
The number of escalating gestures did not rise significantly as the size of the group increased, contrary to what the bystander effect would predict.
Since the original experiments, many studies have explored the bystander effect.
The case’s details have since been called into question, but the story sparked a flurry of social psychology studies about the “bystander effect.”
Now, we know from the work in the Bystander effect that in general which one are we more likely to help in, when we're the only person or multiple?
This is known as the bystander effect.
In addition, the bystander effect can function between cells of different human bladder tumors, and is not restricted to bladder cancer cell of a particular specie.
The work is to investigate the bystander effect and related signaling factor induced by targeted irradiation on tumor cells.
The system had considerable bystander effect.
Objective To study the role of bystander effect in the cytocidal activity of TK/GCV against tumor cells.
Objective To study the effects E. coli purine nucleoside phosphorylase suicide gene on human gastric cancer MKN-45 cells as well as the bystander effect.
There has been more and more attention to the phenomenon known as radiation-induced bystander effects, which will have a tremendous effect on the research in low-dose radiation biological effects.
There are never more than one or two people around at the same time and the bystander effect increases the more people there are to diffuse responsibility to.
The sensitivity of transfected cells to GCV and "bystander effect (BSE)" of HRE-TK/GCV system under normoxia or hypoxia conditions were measured by MTT assay and mixed coculture experiment.
AIM: To investigate the mechanism of bystander effect caused by TRAIL gene.
AIM: To investigate the mechanism of bystander effect caused by TRAIL gene.