It's cheaper to make "thin-film solar cells" with cadmium telluride than with silicon.
It USES DRS cooled Mercury Cadmium Telluride detector technology with ultra-long-life cryogenic coolers.
Photovoltaic cells rely on amorphous or crystalline silicon, cadmium telluride, or copper indium selenide and sulfide.
The nanocrystals consist of a semiconducting material called cadmium telluride, which is a very strong absorber of light.
A researcher analyzes a cadmium telluride thin-film solar cell at General Electric's Global research Center in Niskayuna, New York.
What may really help to lower the cost of solar are new materials-especially semiconductors made from the compound cadmium telluride.
The multilayer compound synthetic furnace device is applied to the synthesis of cadmium telluride, zinc telluride and lead telluride.
Fabrication of mercury cadmium telluride (HgCdTe) devices has always been a challenging task due to sensitive nature of the material.
To make these cadmium telluride cells, a thin layer of cadmium chloride is applied to the solar cell, and then heated up in a furnace.
Even compared to other types of cadmium telluride cells ours are much thinner, using approximately one-tenth as much material, "Brandon says."
Semiconductor materials, such as titania, zinc oxide, cadmium sulfide and cadmium telluride have excellent UV absorption property to generate photoelectrons, which form photocurre…
Because acoustic printing provides finer control than other printing methods, the technique USES 50 percent less cadmium telluride and eliminates further processing steps that require expensive tools.
Because acoustic printing provides finer control than other printing methods, the technique USES 50 percent less cadmium telluride and eliminates further processing steps that require expensive tools.