Leading cadres should learn how to deal with relations between cadres and the masses.
The relationship between cadres and the masses in our country's social life is an objective and basic relationship.
Most people are touched by the disaster areas cadres and the masses to face life and death test of the flu days when moving to the feat.
In China's rural areas between cadres and the masses, harmony is the mainstream, and tension is not the mainstream, while we can not neglect it.
Meanwhile, in the day-to-day work and life exchanges, it's need to establish a communication mechanisms between the cadres and the masses, ensuring the maintenance of the harmonious relationship.
Assignment objects, namely rural areas, and the coordination and support coming from cadres and the masses are of great importance to ensure the successful execution of accounting assignment system.
It is very bad for anyone to be occupied solely with office work to the neglect of studying problems, going among the masses and cadres and consulting with them.
The masses and cadres sincerely support these correct Party policies, but they are also afraid that they will change some day.
Our specialists are not only for the cadres, but also, and indeed chiefly, for the masses.
Whatever is done for the cadres is also entirely for the masses, because it is only through the cadres that we can educate and guide the masses.
We must understand how to educate cadres, persuade the masses and work out appropriate methods to quickly remedy the "Left" errors.
The method is readily intelligible for the great majority of cadres and masses. And the fuzzy synthetical evaluation method is appropriately expanded in its application.
With veteran comrades still around, we should be able to select the right cadres if we combine the efforts of the leaders and the masses.
Therefore, it is the key to make the land use regulation clear in settling the tension of the relation between cadres and masses in the countryside.
Our cadres and masses are vying with one another to contribute to the realization of this bright future.
Reasonable paths to improve the relationship between cadres and masses are: 1. Regression of power to the people and remodeling right of the people; 2.
Reasonable paths to improve the relationship between cadres and masses are: 1. Regression of power to the people and remodeling right of the people; 2.