Greece's fourth-biggest lender may call a shareholder meeting to seek approval for a 500 million- euro capital increase.
I don't have the right answers, but I do know that entrepreneurial lying (whether we call it marketing or raising capital or negotiating or selling the vision) is more prevalent than we care to admit.
The red shirts, who have been camped out in the Thai capital for three weeks in a huge show of strength, want Mr Abhisit to call new elections at once.
Yes, says an official, that old fall-back of the call-centre has been tried in the prefectural capital, Morioka, with some success.
More than once, out somewhere in the capital without the Internet, I've had to call home and ask my wife to log onto my E-mail account, just in case.
The final rules are due in November and will probably call for Banks in normal times to carry core capital of at least 10% of risk-adjusted assets.
Both have reduced their most troubling exposures; both can call on decent amounts of capital and strong pools of liquidity.
STREET life in St James, a suburb of Port of Spain, Trinidad’s capital, that likes to call itself the “city that never sleeps”, normally blasts on until the early hours.
Much of what we call 'income,' in the true sense of adding value from economic activity, is actually depletion instead, or the running down of natural capital, 'he wrote.
Chengdu, the capital of southwestern Sichuan province, answered the call for stimulus action with a bold plan for a railway hub modeled after Waterloo railway station in London.
Current theories about economic growth stress the importance of what economists call "human-capital accumulation".
A RARELY mentioned irony of globalization is that, whereas developed countries are sending more factories and call-centres East, Asia long ago outsourced its capital markets to the West.
Call option agreement. The founders agree to sell Dangdang Kewen to Dangdang Information at any time for the original capital contribution.
We call for more attention to the risks of massive cross-border capital flows now faced by the emerging economies.
One of these inputs is what we call human capital, the input associated with the labor force.
Greece’s fourth-biggest lender may call a shareholder meeting to seek approval for a 500 million- euro capital increase, reported, without saying where it got the information.
After a hostile reception by critics at the Paris salon of 1839, Wiertz published a furious call for Brussels to “rise up” and become “capital of Europe”, leaving Paris a mere “provincial” town.
Secretive hedge fund manager Stanley Druckenmiller has decided to call it quits, a decade after he starting his own hedge fund Duquesne Capital Management.
Scott Davis: I wouldn't call the US a bubble. It's sheer natural capital and human capital is the reason for its success.
The woman is installed than that call capital, the man installs than that call a metamorphosis.
Whatever you call it, it is becoming a bigger part of the venture-capital industry as competition at home forces Silicon Valley investors to look farther afield.
Another common theory is capital determinism, it thinks is the core of the success you can call the amount of money.
RARELY mentioned irony of globalisation is that, whereas developed countries are sending more factories and call-centres East, Asia long ago outsourced its capital markets to the West.
In Paris, tight police control of nightlife led national newspaper le Monde to call the city the "European Capital of Boredom" back in 2009.
We can call this the sign of Partnership with a capital "p" because these folks do not want to be alone!
We can call this the sign of Partnership with a capital "p" because these folks do not want to be alone!