Toad got down on the step, and as the train slowed down to almost a walking pace, he heard the driver call out, "Now, jump!"
This year is the 49th Earth Day and I think we should call on people not to cut down too many trees.
Bizarrely, on the evening that the Sydney went down, they received a call from a friend working in navy intelligence telling them the vessel had sunk.
Mr Napolitano may call on Mr Berlusconi to step down, but he cannot force him to do so.
So you can see, if it's spinning on its own axis in this direction we'd call it spin up, where as this way it would be what we call spin down.
'Many customers have dramatically curtailed production to draw down inventories,' CEO Charles O. Holliday Jr. told analysts on a conference call for the chemicals company.
首席执行长贺利得(Charleso .Holliday)在公司电话会议上向分析师表示,许多客户都大幅削减产量以降低库存。
That is his crime, and how easy it is to understand why the men of God call down punishment on his head.
On impulse he picked up the phone, thinking to call Alex, his old boss, and sound him out, but the line was down, too.
"And hand you the phone if the call is for you, to not interrupt or make noise when you are talking on the phone (this will take many months of instruction), and to not bang down the receiver."
So when pundits call on the parties to sit down together and talk, the obvious question is, what are they supposed to talk about?
Kneel down on the shore of the sea and call unto Him by His name.
Unless, of course, it costs your significant other 31 cents a minute to call your international cell phone, in which case you must ask him to call you on a pay phone down the street.
On a Saturday morning in March, Ms Dashtaki got a call and was told to shut down or risk prosecution.
The driver shut off steam and put on brakes, the Toad got down on the step, and as the train slowed down to almost a walking pace he heard the driver call out, ‘Now, jump!’
Call mining on different subsets of the data (for example, to create recursive drill-down reports).
Consider a developer, let's call him Jim for sake of labelling, working in a typical consumer mode, i.e. his work is dependent on work performed by another developer down the hall.
Don't call Linda down for that mistake.I'm sure that she didn't make it on purpose.
You type a note or a letter on your screen and then you send it down the telephone line to another person for as little as it costs you to call your service provider.
Calm down, Sir. We'll call her to make sure she's on the way.
Some functions are already easily broken down based on the other functions they call.
The concerned experts call on China recall should come down to components and parts enterprises.
The concerned experts call on China recall should come down to components and parts enterprises.