The autumn day wears on, the house gong sounds 12 noon, the mode changes; though my mind is still filled with music, leaving no room for call of work or duty; and I sing.
I continued studying. Ofcourse, officially I was on duty that night: I was the Special Services officeron call for division headquarters downtown.
People now-a-days call on each other on business, or as a matter of social duty, but not to foregather by way of mujlis.
In case act of violence, on site security personnel should immediately call security manager and on call Duty personnel.
No they are trying to steal your Furni, you should send a 'call for help' and report them to an on duty Moderator, then leave the room.
If anyone is trying to force you to trade with them you should send a 'call for help' and report them to an on duty Hobba, then leave the room.
On duty as a customer-service representative for a car-rental company, I took a call from a driver who needed a tow.
Xue Gongbu on a regular basis in the Office of the duty to assist teachers to complete printing, copying and so on, entertain visitors, answer the call;
The report by two state health-care groups says the impact will be felt most acutely in overextended emergency rooms, where finding specialists for on-call duty is difficult today.
The report by two state health-care groups says the impact will be felt most acutely in overextended emergency rooms, where finding specialists for on-call duty is difficult today.