SOLUTION: Ranveer Chandra made the Microsoft campus in Redmond, WA, his laboratory for the first large-scale network to demonstrate the potential of using white Spaces to deliver broadband wireless.
Wireless-enabled laptops can be connected to a campus network by wireless authentication.
University campus network backbone bandwidth is generally upgraded to Gigabit or even Gigabit, wireless coverage to expand, the export flow increased year by year.
The system architecture, the project system configuration and the trunk quantity calculation of wireless local telephone campus network are described in combination with a project example.
Wireless wifi is available in all of the campus buildings and the pitt- network allows access to printers from anywhere on campus.
Dartmouth college (Hanover) wireless network across every corner of campus, is the nation's best college radio of doing one.
The basic structure of wireless mobile digital campus network is given in this paper, and the layer model, including the core layer, distribution layer and access layer, is designed.
To effectively dealt with the digital campus wireless communications network instability problems, a multi-layered security protection of wireless network is present.
At the same time, the successful design of the Hunan University of Science and Technology wireless campus network overall integrity of the building of network topology.
At the same time, the successful design of the Hunan University of Science and Technology wireless campus network overall integrity of the building of network topology.