Any Eclipse project can be treated as a valid target for CORBA Transformation.
Gas turbogenerator fault diagnosis can be treated as a pattern classification task.
One mistaken idea about business is that it can be treated as a game of perfect information.
Furthermore, shear wall structure can be treated as a special case of wall-frame structures.
This attribute indicates that the enum can be treated as a bit field; that is, a set of flags.
Practice top-notch customer service: In a small business, Spector said, every customer can be treated as a VIP.
实行一流的客户服务 :小本生意,Spector说,每个顾客都可以作为VIP会员。
The middle-high latitude area in North America-Greenland can be treated as a key area of circulation evolution.
Generally in a schema, any element defined at the top level can be treated as a root element of the XML structure.
It can be treated as a scalar value or a pointer to a structure containing multiple parameters, or it can be ignored.
A sequence of integers can be treated as a sequence of objects, by boxing every integer as it comes out of the sequence.
Due to this, the structural stability may belong in conception of strength and can be treated as a problem of complex bending.
Closures are function literals - expressions that embody a deferred computation that can be treated as a value and invoked later.
闭包是函数字面量(unction literal)——是包含了一个递延计算的表达式,该计算可被当成值对待,在晚些时候再调用。
As a mathematical model created based on the set theory, fuzzy masking can be treated as a natural extention of the traditional masking.
The fundamental state exist of a substance in the state in a single phase, which can be treated as a function, may be called "phase function."
Combustion dynamics analysis indicates that the combustion of biomass, coal and their mixtures can be treated as a level 1 response processing.
A file can be treated as a single large block of data or, alternatively, as a collection of many distinct records delimited from one another by separators.
Each LPAR is a subset of physical and logical resources and can be treated as a separate server that is capable of running an operating system, such as Linux.
As an example, a server can be treated as a non-configuration unit, while a datasource that is configured on that server can be treated as a configuration unit.
The result shows that the edged sampling mirror and the edged vacuum window can be treated as a pair of prisms, which generates negative group velocity dispersion.
In this case, the service architecture contains the same information as the original business process and can be treated as a specification for how to realize that business process.
By using a smooth aggregate function to approximate the non-smooth max-type function, nonlinear complementarity problem can be treated as a family of parameterized smooth equations.
Study results show that based on the hypothesis of minute amplitude vibration the scissors linkage seat studied in the paper can be treated as a linear vibrating system approximately ;
This article makes some evaluation for the method of some domestic coding, and provide a code of phonetic character and words, this code can be treated as a means of manual input computer.
Net interpersonal trust can be treated as a combination of psychological expectation and behavior strategy or a conceptual expectation for reaching respective goals of communicative parties.
There can be tax benefits from being a landlord because part of the building can be treated as a business. That allows deductions for depreciation and expenses that can be taken against rental income.
Since the conclusion part is linear, the T_S fuzzy model can be treated as a linear time_varying system, the nonlinear program in NMPC turns into a linear quadratic problem that can be easily solved.
The disturbed state concept (DSC) is based on the idea that a deforming material element can be treated as a mixture of two reference states: relative intact (RI) state and fully adjusted (FA) state.
Your code can be more polymorphic — everything that responds to a method can be treated as one type — so you can often express ideas much more concisely than you can in other languages.
The study nevertheless shows that an energy sensor such as insulin can have a direct effect on reproduction and may give new insights into how infertility may be treated in the future, Lawson says.
The study nevertheless shows that an energy sensor such as insulin can have a direct effect on reproduction and may give new insights into how infertility may be treated in the future, Lawson says.