I can not enter inside because of no reservation.
Besides such as Zhang Yuxi, also can not enter this out.
Person can not enter the arm movement range when hoisting.
I can not enter the world of the novel, can not perceive any role's emotions.
The nonage can not enter bar to not have scruples about inside the scope by them.
When the power of the instrument is not started, it can not enter the working status.
This account has been locked by system. You can not enter the system until you contact the system controller.
Gene mutation makes human cells no longer produce normal CCR5 protein, HIV virus so it can not enter the human cell carrier.
Because no legitimate clearance certificates, the only Chinese textile products on the market, can not enter the store or conventional malls.
Put the table inside the sealing ring, sealing ring and the handle head case tube on contact, in order to ensure the movement of water and moisture can not enter the watch.
The wind pocket cover is closed in cold day or in raining and the wind and rain can not enter. The improved motorcycle helmet has the advantages of simple structure and practicality.
First, China's current foreign exchange management system is still the capital account management system. Abnormal capital inflows under the system either can not enter China or have to take a detour.
They even know whether or not a car can enter the gate of a building.
I am worried about whether I can enter a good high school or not.
Verify that you can enter accented characters, and that they are not corrupted by codepage transformations (or lack thereof) when reread from permanent storage.
With a standard drop-down list, the user is limited to choices in the list, but with a combo box, the user can enter a value that is not in the list.
Not another man, except the police doctor, can enter the dead-room.
It is believed that state universities can provide them with better education though it's not that simple to enter there.
If the remote system is secured and is not a member of the current server's Single Sign-On domain you can enter a user name and password in the provided fields.
如果远程系统受到保护,并且也不是当前服务器单一登录(Single Sign - On)域的成员,那么您可以在提供的字段中输入用户名和密码。
If you do not have that information, you can enter your own availability figure in the "Override availability contributions here" lines.
If the instructor does not know which terminal emulator window corresponds to the student, he or she can ask the student to enter a keyword on a particular form and see which window displays it.
No one will invite you if he does not really want you to enter his "castle," so you can be sure that you are wanted.
Now the attacker can enter into the system as the administrator and not even have to give a legitimate password.
For example, a hacker can enter in the guise of a privileged user with administrative access controls and perform malicious activities that a legitimate system administrator did not initially notice.
And if no alternative can enter the market, then the freedom to shop around is not worth very much.
This will tell you whether a particular button, such as the bold button, is currently selected, so you can tell whether the text you enter into the applet is supposed to be bold or not.
This will tell you whether a particular button, such as the bold button, is currently selected, so you can tell whether the text you enter into the applet is supposed to be bold or not.