According to US statistics, since 1994 Canada has been the biggest exporter to the United States.
According to 2007 Statistics Canada figures, there are an increasing number of single-parent homes across the country.
According to statistics, there are 35 service industries that need to tip in America and 29 in Spain, 25 in Canada, and 24 in Italy.
According to the latest Statistics Canada census, 45.7 per cent of the city's population was born outside Canada, making it the world's most culturally diverse city.
加拿大统计局(Statistics Canada)的最新人口调查结果显示,该市45.7%的人口出生在加拿大以外,使其成为全球最为多元化的城市。
Prices were affected by the introduction of the harmonized sales tax in Ontario and British Columbia, and a two-percentage-point increase in Nova Scotia's HST, Statistics Canada said Friday.
According to Statistics Canada, 29.8 percent of recent immigrant male university graduates worked in jobs that did not require more than a high-school education in 2005.
According to Statistics Canada, recent immigrant men with a university degree earned 48 cents for every dollar received by Canadian-born male university graduates in 2005.
Recent immigrant women with a university degree are also more likely to work in low-skilled occupations than their Canadian-born counterparts, Statistics Canada says.
Some even maintain several B& Bs on the island. According to Statistics Canada, Lasqueti Island has the most highly educated community in British Columbia.
However, according to data from Canada's official statistics, it shows that the number of Chinese mainland immigrants to Canada has come from behind in the past years.
When we examine Canada-China relations, it is always easy to dwell on trade statistics and business trends as the barometer of our relationship.
Statistics show that Chinese students account for more than 30 percent of total overseas students in the U. S. and Canada, and about 62 percent of international students in South Korea in 2015.
According to statistics compiled by Multiple Births Canada, 60 per cent of triplets, 90 per cent of quads and 99 per cent of quintuplets in Canada are the result of infertility treatments.
加拿大多胞胎协会(Multiple BirthsCanada)收集的数据表明:加拿大60%的三胞胎,90%的四胞胎和99%的五胞胎都是治疗不育症的结果。
Statistics show that Chinese students account for more than 30 percent of total overseas students in the U. S. and Canada, and about 62 percent of international students in South Korea.
Statistics Canada says Canadian lumber production was down 24.7 per cent in June from a year ago.
According to Statistics Canada, there are more than 1.6-million female-headed households in Canada, an increase of 63 percent in 20 years.
According to Statistics Canada, there are more than 1.6-million female-headed households in Canada, an increase of 63 percent in 20 years.