The problem is that the meaning cannot be separated from the vehicle via which it is conveyed.
Ecclesiastical or political matters cannot be separated from the traditional fabric of the society.
The form of "following previous cases"cannot be separated from the empiricism in English tradition ideology.
English teaching needs to link up with the cultural teaching, cannot be separated from the cultural content.
Language and culture is closely interrelated which means the use of language cannot be separated from the social environment.
Play cannot be separated from the life of children. Play is the life itself, and a positive and creative way of living of children.
The procedure system design cannot be separated from the need of judging case, compared to which, the system structure is more important.
It is because the results of morality cannot be separated from the person who observes it that morality can produce true bliss and security.
The aesthetic tradition of seeking "lingering charm" in poetic language cannot be separated from the influence of Buddhist linguistic perspective.
The art cannot be separated from the science of negotiation and, indeed we shall emphasize art as an indispensable partner of science in the enterprise of negotiation.
Along with an audio signal (t), AUX is intended to be transmitted which cannot be separated from the audio signal, is inaudible on reproduction and does not impair sound reproduction quality.
AUX与声频信号(T ')一起传送,前者不能与后者分离,且在后者重现期间该AUX是不可听见的,声音重现质量不会恶化。
Yangzhou's history cannot be separated from that of the ancient canal.
The creation of this plural mixing text form cannot be separated from postmodernism text viewpoint and Calvino's personal literature stand.
This wish cannot be completely separated from the excitement stemming from overcoming the barrier of something forbidden, and hence experienced as "sinful" or "amoral."
The materialization of the value of individuality and the principle of universality cannot be separated from each other.
The connection pattern between meanings formed on semantic similarity and cannot be separated from syntactic positions.
Having been separated from other continents for millions of years, Australia has many plants and animals that cannot be found anywhere else in the world.
Physical power cannot be separated from intelligence and the training of mentality cannot be narrowly regarded for knowledge education.
The Animal is part of the nature and cannot be separated from human. Human must keep the ecology balance if he wants a happy life.
From the nature of business and product competitiveness, without lightness you cannot electrify, these two cannot be separated.
Lying in the same continuum, language, culture and communication cannot be separated from one another.
While the essence of aesthetic education rests in creation, the aesthetic appreciation cannot be separated from creative power.
Language is the carrier of culture, they cannot be separated from each other.
Reading and writing cannot be completely separated from each other; in fact, the aim of reading is to express the information you have got from the text.
Any outstanding products in the world are cannot be separated from consummate production techniques.
Any outstanding products in the world are cannot be separated from consummate production techniques.