Gather feedback (positive and negative) on the capability and performance of the tools.
A rendering tier defines a level of graphics hardware capability and performance for a device that runs a WPF application.
Hence, these three relationships among departments will have positive effect on organizational learning capability and performance.
Through continuous learning, the capability and performance of a project team will be significantly improved in order to achieve the project success.
可以相信,通过持续学习,项目团队将不断丰富知识,提高管理水平,改进绩效表现。 。
Abstract: the impact of inter-departmental relationship on organizational learning capability and performance in the company is an important issue in the field of organizational learning now.
In researching GPS anti - jam receivers, since the signal received by the antennas should be transformed into digital signal first, ADC determined the capability and performance of the receiver.
This paper introduces cause of formation of MAI in CDMA systems, and points out that Multi-user Detection (MUD) technology can improve capability and performance of CDMA through suppressing MAI.
本文介绍了多址干扰在CDMA系统中的成因,并提出通过多用户检测技术可抑制多址干扰(MAI),从而提高CD MA系统的容量和性能。
ERM will provide a significant performance upgrade to the current fleet fire support capability with respect to range, accuracy, and lethality.
Capability to save and compare performance metrics.
There's a high dependence of performance and load-bearing capability on the middleware stack and legacy applications (in production environment).
The hardware varieties are typically a bit more expensive but provide superior performance, greater capability, and increased savings of back-end server resources.
Each component has their own optimized process capability and they are interconnected with each other to impact the overall performance.
IBM has not tested these products and cannot confirm the accuracy of performance, capability, or any other claims related to non-IBM products.
Most production environments prefer a clustered approach to provide higher performance and failover capability in case of a server failure.
Enterprises that have built rich business logic into their stored procedures and high-performance queries now have the capability to instantly make them available in an SOA environment using DWS.
It's a world of tradeoffs: performance, ease-of-use, ease-of-implementation, and threading capability, just to name a few.
Rational application Developer also provides the capability to profile applications to identify performance and memory problems.
RationalApplication Developer还提供了概括应用程序从而确定性能和内存问题的功能。
He's focused on developing a cross-platform performance monitoring component for Domino, and enhancing NotesBench to use this capability.
This means that Facelets integrate with the JSF page description format and, as a result, deliver improved performance and UI composition capability.
Obviously, there is a need to dramatically extend the current search capability for web services to improve efficiency and performance.
Quality criteria: capability, usability, security, performance, compatibility, testability, supportability, and so on.
This feature will have a minimal impact on user experience and performance, and includes a filtering capability to restrict the type of information that is uploaded.
Advantages of this tool include "good enough" throttling and dispatching capability, high performance, and ease of use.
WPAR Manager also has the capability to monitor performance of workloads running in WPARs and relocate those workloads to different AIX systems to improve performance.
How much of our testing has been focused on capability rather than other types of quality criteria (performance, security, scalability, testability, maintainability, and so on)?
But the signal environment that includes external noise, different kinds of clutter and interference will significantly limit the detection performance and system capability.
IBM DB2 high performance unload can provide you with high speed data unload capability and improved performance.
IBMDB 2HighPerformanceUnload可以提供高速数据卸载功能和更高的性能。
The function of testing transient signal of RTSA can provide display performance insight and analysis capability that can't be provided by other analyzer.
Performance Aide and topas recording capability changes.
Performance Aide and topas recording capability changes.