Affirm Your Abilities Frequently: Try to recall instances that you have done well. The fact that you have ever done well is proof that you are capable of producing the same in the future.
Featuring robust explosion-proof housings, ex motors are capable of bearing internal explosions with no risks of propagation to the neighboring environment.
A successful completion shall be deemed as conclusive proof that the System is complete, proper and valid, and capable of accomplishing the technical targets set forth in the Specifications.
The Sydney Olympics was proof that the common people of Sydney were capable of contributing to world class sporting events.
The utility model is compact in structure and beautiful in appearance with the dust-proof sealing ring which is capable of effectively preventing outside dust coming into the cylinder.
本实用新型结构紧凑、外形美观,并 带有防尘密封环,可有效防止外界灰尘进入气缸。
The real estate in the Pudong Development Zone is not only inflation proof in value, But decidedly capaBle of appreciation within three years.
The company are capable of produce 120s fabrics and its plaids, interrupted twill satin stripes and down-proof fabrics were awarded prominent products titles, which are unique in China.
The company are capable of produce 120s fabrics and its plaids, interrupted twill satin stripes and down-proof fabrics were awarded prominent products titles, which are unique in China.