In its statement, for example, the central bank cited in creas in g capacity utilisation as an inflationary threat.
Capacity utilisation is higher than at any time in the past decade and severe skill shortages have caused wages to rocket.
As of today, measures of capacity utilisation are not as high as at the end of 2007, and unemployment is not as low as it was then.
Industrial capacity utilisation has risen to a record high, and rampant domestic demand sucked in 41% more imports than a year ago in April, pushing the trade deficit to a record level.
History would suggest, therefore, that there should now be massive overcapacity in the global economy. That is indeed the case. Global capacity utilisation was recently at generational lows.
The capacity-utilisation index, a measure of firms' slack, stands at 81.3%, the tightest since 2000.
The capacity-utilisation index, a measure of firms' slack, stands at 81.3%, the tightest since 2000.