Structural racism's barriers include "equity inequity", the absence of black capital formation that is a direct consequence of America's history.
Wall Street has been the source of capital formation.
On the other hand, such a market essentially subsidises capital formation.
The shortage of capital formation is the direct cause for west areas to lag behind.
Capital formation is the key to the economic growth of China 's economy during the transitional period.
Reputation model was implemented game analysis to the specialization human capital formation mechanism.
VAT has many advantages over other taxes, such as equalizing tax burden, steadying fiscal income, encouraging capital formation.
VAT has many advantages over the other taxes, such as equalizing tax burden, steadying fiscal income, encouraging capital formation.
The markets that succeed in balancing these many interests are the markets that will go the furthest in facilitating capital formation.
It also benefits to protect the environment and natural resources, and accelerate the technological diffusion and human capital formation.
Without increased capital formation in this sector, we will not see the significant job growth necessary to bring down the unemployment Numbers.
It improved the capacity of capital formation, increased self-reliance of Burmese economy and promoted the change of Burmese industrial structure.
This is not just important in the United States or the European Union, it is also important to recognize that capital formation is a global process.
The mission of the US Securities and Exchange Commission is to protect investors, maintain fair, orderly, and efficient markets, and facilitate capital formation.
The result shows that OFDI has significant crowding in effect on domestic capital formation, and the coefficients vary a lot among the East, Middle and West regions.
Under these circumstances, analyzing disadvantages during the periods of capital formation and suggesting some proposal about policy have great significance in theory...
The relationship between capital formation and economic growth in China is analyzed using the method of co-integration analysis and the data from 1978 to 2003 in this paper.
In the current national ownership structure, the reasonable capital formation rate or savings rate should not over. %, accordingly, the consumption rate should not below 7. %.
In the current national ownership structure, the reasonable capital formation rate or savings rate should not over 32.4%, accordingly, the consumption rate should not below 67.6%.
As a result, the centres that imposed greater demands on parents provided opportunities and incentives that, over the course of weeks and months, stimulated the formation of social capital.
It also bought 200, 000 acres of the Duvernay shale gas formation in Alberta, Canada. Expect the buying to continue: Chevron says it will boost capital spending 20% this year to $26 billion.
The software capital can be classified into the institution capital, the knowledge capital and human capital according to the contribution of value formation.
It not only helps in economy monetization, but also encourages formation of the social capital amount expansion and quantity improvement.
The formation of the continent, mid-range, fine three-in-one source system, its large quantity and variety of complete, effectively protects the surrounding areas of the capital and consumer demand.
Formation and choice of entrepreneur human capital.
Formation and choice of entrepreneur human capital.