Welcome to Silicon Valley - that intersection of venture capital, start-ups, markets, and IPOs - in the 21st century.
Overview the Study on the Capital Luoyang of Sui-Tang Period, Chinese Archaeology and World Archaeology in 21st Century, Chinese Social Science Publish House, 2002.
Incentive Mechanism on Stock Right has become the brand-new means to improve the enterprise management and administration in Manpower capital and knowledge era of capital in 21st century.
In the 21st century, the accumulation of manpower capital has already become one of the important indexes indicating the comprehensive strength of a country.
It is a brand competition time in the 21st century, because the brand has become more important than management, technology and capital, to serve as the core resources of enterprises.
The 21st century is a new era in which knowledge is the dominant capital and information is the leading resource. New social demands make people have new cognition of language ability.
In the 21st century, human capital has become the core capital of enterprise, and intangible assets has become the enterprise's competitive edge.
The 21st century is the era of knowledge-based economy, in economic competition, talent is not only a key strategic resource, but also the greatest strength of the capital.
Henry Kissinger predicted: competition in the 21st century is the largest capital personnel, the fulcrum of the 21 st century lies in the quality of talent.
Henry Kissinger predicted: competition in the 21st century is the largest capital personnel, the fulcrum of the 21 st century lies in the quality of talent.