The exercise simulated a collision between a passenger ship carrying 390 people and a cargo vessel loaded with chemicals, resulting in a chemical leak.
In the U.S., a boat found carrying nearly 65,000 lb. (30,000 kg) of illegal shark fins won a court case because it was registered as a cargo vessel, which current U.S. finning laws do not cover.
The owners or operators of the carrying vessel, hold the ISM code document of compliance, current at the time of loading of the cargo.
It is commonly the case that both vessels are partly to blame for a collision and cargo interests may then present their claims in tort against the non-carrying vessel.
The vessel carrying the Contract goods shall be seaworthy and cargo-worthy and the age of which shall not exceed 15 years without the Buyer's prior written consent.
However, the seller shall still undertake to load the cargo immediately upon the arrival of the carrying vessel at the port of shipment at his own risk and expenses.
The vessel is an unmanned dump barge suitably equipped for carrying deck cargo for Unrestricted services.
The vessel is an unmanned dump barge suitably equipped for carrying deck cargo for Unrestricted services.