A mother carried her son, who was on crutches due to an injured leg, on her back through the debris-lined path to the informal school site, where he was reunited with his classmates and friends.
Two workers with orange flags led the way as the 4-year-old bear was carried on the first leg of his 8, 000-mile journey.
Before I go on, I'll make this point: I don't think any of the players who carried out these tackles wanted to break another professional's leg.
TV footage showed a woman with a bloodied left leg being carried on a stretcher and a red brick building with shattered Windows. Its ceiling was pockmarked with shrapnel from the blast.
The obstacles avoiding ability of six-legged robot was carried out by installing infrared sensor on the last limb of leg in this paper.
The obstacles avoiding ability of six-legged robot was carried out by installing infrared sensor on the last limb of leg in this paper.