Many of those arrested never have their cases investigated at all.
But if faulty mitochondria do turn out to be a cause of autism, even if not in all cases, that question will have to be investigated.
"They have no doubt that they will get away with it," said H. G. s. Dhaliwal, a deputy police commissioner in New Delhi who has investigated several such cases.
“They have no doubt that they will get away with it,” said H. G. S. Dhaliwal, a deputy police commissioner in New Delhi who has investigated several such cases.
The cases had been detected through AFP surveillance activities and investigated, including collection of stool specimens for laboratory investigation.
Suspected cases are being investigated in countries including Australia, Colombia, Japan and South Korea.
In the past, police have investigated cases in which British people have travelled to the Dignitas clinic.
In the past, police have investigated cases in which British people who have travelled to the Dignitas clinic.
To date, the vast majority of cases have been detected and investigated in comparatively well-off countries.
We have investigated a number of recent intellectual property cases and have restored four pages as a result.
An additional two possible human cases have been investigated in Hunan Province.
Between 2003 and 2007, local IPR offices accepted and heard 6427 patent disputes, and 919 cases of patent counterfeiting and 8152 cases of bogus patents were investigated.
A slimming drug available over the counter in the UK is being investigated for links to 32 cases of liver damage by the US Food and drug Administration.
The companies have, in many cases, investigated the claims and fired contractors.
The Count investigated several cases involving people who had been dead for up to 30 years who were reported to have returned from the dead to attack their relatives.
The general drawdown equation and its particular cases for a partially penetrating well discharging at a constant rate from an aquifer-aquitard system are derived and investigated.
Methods the rare side effects of thalidomide in treating 4 cases of malignant plasmacyte disease were investigated and the pertinent literatures were reviewed.
Three defective cases and three transient load conditions are investigated.
If foreigners with diplomatic privileges and immunities commit crimes for which criminal responsibility should be investigated, those cases shall be resolved through diplomatic channels.
Safa psychiatrists investigated 17 cases of ADHD patients, found that 19 of their brothers, there were 10 people who have the same symptoms.
Methods 39 cases (75 eyes) of ocular hypertension were investigated. Theexaminations included CCT, IOP and visual field measuring, gonioscopy, slit-lamp and fundus checking up.
Especially, the generalized initial value problems are investigated and the cases are given in order to comparison with those under the non-hydrostatic equilibrium.
Methods 200 cases of aged 60 to 80 years old senile caries were investigated.
We investigated the knowledge of 108 cases of diabetes on diabetes foot and found that these patients were seriously short of the knowledge on diabetes foot.
The results of these cases reveal that Chinese enterprises are in disadvantage. The investigated products have either been levied high antidumping duty or completely driven out of American market.
The relationship of different repairing approaches and their early postoperative ventricular function were investigated in 42 cases of ventricular septum defect by Doppler echocardiography.
Methods: The study investigated 68 elderly cases by polysomography randomly, they were examined by blood pressure, dynamic electrocardiogram, coronary arterial radiograph, nuclear magnetic resonance.
Cardiac conducting system (CCS) taken from 100 cases died of traffic accidents were investigated. Various pathological changes were found.
Cardiac conducting system (CCS) taken from 100 cases died of traffic accidents were investigated. Various pathological changes were found.