Don't taste the food; even a small amount can cause botulism.
It can cause botulism, a potentially fatal disease that affects the muscles and can cause respiratory problems.
Consumers need to know if cans of a particular brand of soup may cause botulism, or if a new toy on store shelves has a defect that can harm their children.
The medical name for the food poisoning it can cause is "botulism", from the Latin word botulus, meaning "sausage".
Botulism, though rare is a potentially fatal form of food poisoning and can cause general weakness, dizziness, double-vision and trouble with speaking or swallowing.
"I don't want people to start thinking they can go out and buy honey and start to treat their wounds," she tells Shots. "Some honeys have spores that can cause gangrene and wound botulism."
Botulism, a potentially fatal form of food poisoning, can cause the following symptoms: general weakness, dizziness, double - vision and trouble with speaking or swallowing.
Botulism, a potentially fatal form of food poisoning, can cause the following symptoms: general weakness, dizziness, double - vision and trouble with speaking or swallowing.