The characteristics and the recent progresses of color film and CCD (CMOS), as image sensor, are detailed in this paper.
文中详细介绍了作为图像传感器的彩色胶卷和CCD (CMOS)的特性及其最新进展。
After comparing CMOS with CCD for their own structures and performances detailedly, choosing CMOS digital image sensor as the acquisition unit.
The optical part is simplified by using LED as the light source and high accuracy linear CCD as the image sensor.
Each unit houses a near-infrared (NIR) LED and monochrome CCD camera sensor, so as the red pigment in blood (hemoglobin) absorbs NIR light, veins appear as dark lines on the resulting image.
手指静脉识别仪包括近红外线LED灯和黑白相机传感器。 近红外LED灯发出近红外射线,当近红外射线穿透手指时,手指静脉的血红蛋白将吸收近红外光,因此,图像中静脉将变为黑色。
Each unit houses a near-infrared (NIR) LED and monochrome CCD camera sensor, so as the red pigment in blood (hemoglobin) absorbs NIR light, veins appear as dark lines on the resulting image.
手指静脉识别仪包括近红外线LED灯和黑白相机传感器。 近红外LED灯发出近红外射线,当近红外射线穿透手指时,手指静脉的血红蛋白将吸收近红外光,因此,图像中静脉将变为黑色。