This generates ascent as well as negative vorticity source, which corresponds to a strongly anomaly anticyclone center appearing to the north of the heating region.
The maximum rainfall is just below the positive vorticity center and at the west of the negative vorticity center.
Results show that the existing of a negative non-thermal wind vorticity center near the TC center is favorable to its offshore rapid intensification.
结果表明: 热带气旋中心附近存在非热成风涡度负值中心,有利于近海热带气旋突然增强;
Results show that the existing of a negative non-thermal wind vorticity center near the TC center is favorable to its offshore rapid intensification.
结果表明: 热带气旋中心附近存在非热成风涡度负值中心,有利于近海热带气旋突然增强;