Certified copy of the Certificate of Incorporation, Business Registration Certificate, Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Client.
A copy of your business registration or certificate of incorporation.
If the beneficial owner is a corporation, a certified copy of its Certificate of Incorporation and Business Registration Certificate should be provided.
Article 9 Where the Registration Certificate is damaged or lost, the business operator shall inform the Department of Technology of the MOFTEC in good time and give a written explanation.
第八条经营者名称变更,企业合并或分立的,经营者须及时 通知外经贸部科技司并交回原登记证书。
Note: Please attach copy of the new Business Registration Certificate for the above changes.
Article 61 The vehicle owner may entrust an agent with registration business except applying for reissuing of registration certificate.
Use the registration certificate or projects contracting manual of another construction enterprise to do construction business.
If the investment side for Hong Kong companies: to provide business registration certificate and registration certificate and copy of the original Hong Kong's two original notarized documents.
Please provide copy of Certificate of Incorporation and Business Registration Certificate for application purpose.
Article 10 When applying for certificates of approval for exporting guided missiles and related items and technologies, the business operator shall present its Registration certificate.
Please send the application form, product catalogs, a photocopy of the business license and trade mark registration certificate to the organizing committee.
For the first application, or any company which has no advertisement in past a year, please attach the update copy of business registration certificate.
For the first application, or any company which has no advertisement in past a year, please attach the update copy of business registration certificate.