A single hyphen (-) as a parameter means to change to the previous working directory.
You saw how to change directories using the absolute path and the relative path, and you learned how to display the working directory you are in and toggle back and forth between two directories.
In order to execute this script, open the DB2 command line processor, change the directory to your current working directory that contains the content of the file you downloaded.
要执行该脚本,打开DB 2命令行处理器,将目录更改到包含所下载文件内容的当前工作目录。
An OBEX client will send a SETPATH request to instruct the OBEX client to change the working directory (the CD command).
Just as you can execute programs from various directories in the system, so too can you change your current working directory using the CD command.
Create a working directory to store your client source code (for example, c: \ HelloWorldTXConsoleClient) and change to that directory.
创建工作目录存储客户机源代码(例如c: \HelloWorldTXConsoleClient),并更改到该目录。
Change the current working directory to the location of the RPG stub code. Issue the following command from the CL command line.
The commands in braces change the working directory of the current shell.
In this lesson, I will introduce your first three commands: PWD (print working directory), CD (change directory), and ls (list files and directories).
Change your current working directory to Geronimo_installation_directory, and then enter the following command.
If you type CD followed by nothing, CD will change the working directory to your home directory.
You can then change directory to your copy of the maps project and use the commands discussed earlier to begin working with the files in that project in Git.
We can save the starting location by calling getcwd before we change our working directory.
We can save the starting location by calling getcwd before we change our working directory.