Click check for updates to run or schedule a check for new updates.
单击Check for updates检查新的更新或安排检查时间。
It is also the path that the solution will use to check for updates.
You can set up your client to automatically check for updates to an existing feature.
Some browsers check for updates automatically and install updates when initiated by the user.
If ClearCase Remote Client is already installed, check for Updates (the latest version is 6.14.9).
In the left pane, click Check for updates. If any updates are found, click View available updates.
You can configure Software Update to automatically check for updates either daily, weekly, or monthly.
Each client must regularly hit the server to check for updates, which places a burden on the server's resources.
Configure the Automatic updates preferences to check for updates each time the platform is started as shown in figure 14.
Once a substantial number of users know about your site and content, will they come back each day to check for updates?
When the check for updates completes, the updates needed by the IBM Systems Director Server will be displayed in the table.
The administrator should give the members an option to run, open tasks and check for updates at startup, and to show and hide tasks.
If not support to check for updates function, not display the menu item named "Checks for update" on Classic GUI and on Explorer window.
In the Summary section, make sure to check for updates to make sure you have the latest version of the iOS to ensure a smooth transition to iOS 5.
Subscribe to them all, set your RSS reader to check for updates as often as possible, and be the first to apply for new jobs and gigs as they go up.
This allows it to update applications over the Intranet or extranet. Thus the 'where' to check for updates is simply a URL to a well known Web server.
To do this, specify that the application check for updates after startup as described in "Checking for Updates After Application Startup" earlier in this topic.
As its name implies, Windows update typically only checks for updates for Windows, unless you give it permission to also check for updates to other Microsoft programs.
Given that you modified your Sametime client to automatically check for updates to existing features, upon restarting your Sametime client, the new feature is detected and installed.
These tools are undergoing development, so check for updates periodically, and if you feel an itch for a feature you'd like to see, consider rolling up your sleeves and pitching in.
As a developer, you have lots of flexibility in specifying when and how update checks are performed, whether updates are mandatory, and where the application should check for updates.
Check future updates to RHEL4 for the addition of this support.
It will check any web page for updates and deliver them to your favorite RSS aggregator.
We're going to check out of the minute-to-minute updates at this point, but you can help us out by keeping your fellow readers up-to-speed on how it's worked for you in the comments.
In this example, Kellan pointed out that FriendFeed polls Flickr 2.9 million times in order to check on updates for 45 thousand users.
In this example, Kellan pointed out that FriendFeed polls Flickr 2.9 million times in order to check on updates for 45 thousand users.