Furthermore, my sightseeing schedule was unaffected by hotel check-in and check-out times.
Check in and Check out: Checking in assets enable others to work on them.
Think of the car diagnostics check as log analysis: a way to check through all the different diagnostics the car keeps in order to figure out where the problem is.
The next series of steps show how to check in all of the test assets, create a new baseline, and then check out all of the assets again.
Using this central repository, team members will check in their SCA components and test cases, and the continuous integration server will check them out to do the builds.
Nevertheless, most of us continue to have traditional print collections and most of us need to move that stuff around–catalog it, check it in, check it out, etc.
Furthermore, my sightseeing schedule was unaffected by hotel check-in and check-out times; I could carry my little bag to museums and tourist sites, and stash it in a locker when need be.
A user can view, check out, check in, or download attachments associated with a work item.
A powerful feature is the ability to collaborate through check-in, check-out, and version control to manage the files in a content library.
To check in and check out files and folders, repeat Steps 1 through 3.
He: "We require every employee to sign a card during check-in and check-out of the document."
It provides automatic or prompted check-in and check-out of code, neat decorators to easily identify which objects are in source control, and their status.
The advice is to try to work out the triggers which disturb full sleep (such as alcohol), check side-effects of medication with your GP and check if the problem runs in your family.
The “Check-in” and “Check-out” components may or may not be part of the application.
“签入”和 “签出”组件不一定是应用程序的一部分。
To add more robust error handling -- with minimal complication -- you might add a check or two for other status codes; check out the modified version of updatePage() in Listing 15.
You can check in and check out solution, together with the projects associated with it.
Engineers can check in and check out team assets, see what activities have been assigned to them, and easily work in parallel with other team members.
工程师通过检入(check in)和检出(check out)清楚地看到他们曾经执行的工作,并且可以轻松地与其他团队成员并行工作。
Out of the box, QuickPlace provides some basic revision controls, such as check out, check in, and the ability to create a new revision.
This allows multiple users to collaborate, using a repository such as IBM Rational ClearCase for check-in/check-out, version control, and locking resources.
这样就允许多个用户进行协作,使用IBMRationalClearCase 之类的存储库进行签入/签出、版本控制和资源锁定。
A version control system such as IBM Rational ClearCase can be used to provide check-in, check-out and version control over software projects.
Check-in and check-out of products from catalog into a workflow.
If you want to check out just where you are at in raw Numbers, you can check the status screen in Android's menu.
However it works, the upshot is what Dr Whitten describes as a micro-sized "roach motel" (" Bacteria check in, but they don't check out ").
Check out our photos here for more insight into the event, and be sure to check out full coverage in the next issue of ONE.
Gilbert is employed to check out groceries in a supermarket, and his sister Ellen to check out cleaned suits in a dry cleaning shop.
Daily check in, check-out, reservation and reception work.
Enable enhanced folders. Enhanced folders support document versions, check-in and check-out, and document publishing.
Ensure smooth check-in and check-out of all Club Floor guests, and offer personalized services through properly handling guest accounts.
Check in and check out at reception only took a few minutes.
I work in Front Desk. My daily job is receiving guest, check in &check out, giving the information that the guest needs.