Chen Dong described the experience as "no seeing, no missing."
Chen Dong has been a pilot for many years before joining the space team.
Shrouded novel is the work of Chen Dong;
That is to say, Chen Dong and I have brought the food what we like eating, so we don't get bored at all.
The ground search team reached the landing site immediately, and astronauts Jing Haipeng and Chen Dong opened the capsule's hatch by themselves.
Mr. Chen Dong is a Managing Director and the head of Global Market Business Department at China Life Insurance Asset Management Company. He has a PhD and CPA.
Speaking of the family, I remember I said when meeting the press that half of the credit should be given to our family members. Chen Dong and I talked about it today, and we agreed with that.
Chen Gang: I am general manager of division of Hua Dong of Oriental fortune net.
DONG Peng, CHEN Ji-lun. Current status of selective laser melting for aerospace applications abroad [J]. Aerospace Manufacturing Technology, 2014, 2 (1) : 1-5.
[8]董鹏,陈济轮。国外选区激光熔化成形技术在航空航天领域应用现状[J]。航天制造技术,2014,2 (1):1 - 5。
DONG Peng, CHEN Ji-lun. Current status of selective laser melting for aerospace applications abroad [J]. Aerospace Manufacturing Technology, 2014, 2 (1) : 1-5.
[8]董鹏,陈济轮。国外选区激光熔化成形技术在航空航天领域应用现状[J]。航天制造技术,2014,2 (1):1 - 5。