Experience as a petroleum or chemical process operator in all the operating units controlled by the central control room is required for chief operators.
When he arrived as chief executive at KPN in 2001, the Dutch operator had been wrecked by the bubble.
BAA, Britain's biggest airport operator, said its chief executive was going, after a year of grumbling from travellers about flight delays and security queues at Heathrow.
Mr Sarin, who had a reputation for this sort of thing from his days as chief operating officer at AirTouch, an American operator that Vodafone had bought in 1999, seemed the perfect choice.
Meetic SA, the operator of a dating website, tumbled 11 percent to 17.20 euros after founder and Chief Executive Officer Marc Simoncini abandoned his plans to sell the company.
Mr Streiff will be succeeded by Philippe Varin, former chief executive of Corus, a steelmaker, and a notably smooth operator.
斯特雷夫的的职位将由钢铁集团康力斯(Corus)前首席执行官菲利普·瓦林(Philippe Varin)接任,而后者显然是一个更具委婉风格的执行者。
At Dover Air Force Base on Wednesday, I joined the family of Chief Special Warfare Operator William "Ryan" Owens as our fallen hero was returned home.
The chief of British Petroleum blames failures by the rig's operator, Transocean of Switzerland.
I asked to speak to the editor in chief and the telephone operator promptly put me on to him.
I asked to speak to the editor in chief and the telephone operator promptly put me on to him.