In 2006, the company hired a flashy new chief marketing officer Julie Roehm on staff to spruce up its image.
This spring, however, it named a new chief executive officer, cut 40% of its staff, and announced plans to start charging users.
He made a target list of 25 hotel companies, both major chains and boutiques, and mapped out the key executives, including the CEO, chief human resources officer, and marketing staff.
"We say, 'dogs have owners, cats have staff,'" said Dr. Richard E. Goldstein, chief medical officer at the Animal medical Center in New York.
The chief accounting officer in a medium-sized or large business is usually called the controller, who manages the work of the accounting staff.
A general staff is a group of officers in a military who act in a staff or administrative role under the command of a general officer (sometimes termed a chief of staff).
A general staff is a group of officers in a military who act in a staff or administrative role under the command of a general officer (sometimes termed a chief of staff).