The antibiotic 2507 has also satisfactory effect for controlling chinese cabbage downy mildew disease infected by Peronospora parasitica Fr. with efficacy 87.5%in field test.
Antracol 70wp can effectively control downy mildew on cucumber and Chinese cabbage, and early blight on tomato.
安泰生70 %WP可有效地防治黄瓜霜霉病、大白菜霜霉病和番茄早疫病。
Antracol 70wp can effectively control downy mildew on cucumber and Chinese cabbage, and early blight on tomato.
安泰生70 %WP可有效地防治黄瓜霜霉病、大白菜霜霉病和番茄早疫病。