The set-top box will run on the 'Cell' processor, a chip with super-computer muscle to churn out intense, high-definition graphics found in today's PlayStation 3 video games.
Cell Regza电视机配备的机顶盒将安装Cell微处理芯片,这款具备超级计算能力的芯片将能创造出超高清晰度图像,这种图像目前只在PlayStation3视频游戏机上才有。
This paper which is written on the basis of the hardware-software set up and load regulation, discusses automatic burning control process of burn-oil boiler, using 8031 single chip processor.
This paper which is written on the basis of the hardware-software set up and load regulation, discusses automatic burning control process of burn-oil boiler, using 8031 single chip processor.