Then the muscles of his heart, exhausted after three billion beats and weakened by pneumonia, diabetes, and the stress of a choleric temperament, paused just for a moment, and could not resume.
"If your opponent is of choleric temper, seek to irritate him," said Sun Tzu, a Chinese military strategist whose writings 2, 500 years ago are still often cited in China today.
On hearing this the general's head sank; he shrugged his shoulders, and flung up his hands with a choleric gesture.
It sometimes happens that, at forty or fifty years of age, circulatory disorders of the rhythmic system appear as a direct result of a teacher's unrestrained choleric temperament.
It sometimes happens that, at forty or fifty years of age, circulatory disorders of the rhythmic system appear as a direct result of a teacher's unrestrained choleric temperament.