In the same way, the Vatican's senior astronomer has gone on record as saying intelligent beings created by God could exist in outer space, and that alien life does not. Contradict Church doctrine.
You might say there are all sorts of deficiencies in this movement, especially in the area of the doctrine of the church.
Voice of the Faithful, which was formed in 2002 and now claims 35,000 members, wants parishioners to have more control over church affairs, although not over doctrine.
Voice of the Faithful, which was formed in 2002 and now claims 35, 000 members, wants parishioners to have more control over church affairs, although not over doctrine.
Ptolemy's model of the cosmos was adopted by the Catholic Church and held as official doctrine for fourteen hundred years.
The true church is virtuely defined by its adherence to this true doctrine of justification by faith (which is derived from the Bible) as against the orthodoxy of the Pope, the devil and the world.
When the Vatican established a papal commission to study the Pill in 1964, many believed the Church was about to reverse the doctrine it had held for centuries.
Calvinism — Strict theological doctrine of the French Protestant church reformer John Calvin (1509-1564) and the basis of Puritan society.
加尔文主义- - -法国新教改革者约翰·加尔文(1509- 1564)的严格的理论学说,也是清教教派的基础。
The Catholic church neatly took care of the problem by inventing the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception, which excluded the Virgin Mary from partaking of Adam's imputed guilt.
The Catholic church neatly took care of the problem by inventing the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception, which excluded the Virgin Mary from partaking of Adam's imputed guilt.