The main reasons for city dwellers to commute on a daily basis is not just for work but also for study, business, shopping and their social life.
In every corner of the world, certain city dwellers suffer disproportionately from poor health, and these inequities can be traced back to differences in their social and living conditions.
City dwellers know what this means in terms of social cohesion, safety, security, and the quality of life.
At the same time, he says, strict residency rules that deny migrant workers the social benefits that city dwellers enjoy also deter many from leaving home.
Therefore, country dwellers seldom taste the safe reliability of social security system so that the social security system, at a certain degree, becomes a kind of patent of city dwellers.
Therefore, country dwellers seldom taste the safe reliability of social security system so that the social security system, at a certain degree, becomes a kind of patent of city dwellers.