You should do your competing clandestinely, by disguising your export volumes and prices somehow.
He is the boy who leaves you clandestinely. He is always care for you and take notice of you at any time.
Like McCormack, she had three children and said she couldn't afford a fourth, and so she turned to clandestinely acquired pills.
If it had been Sid, she would have had no misgivings to alloy her delight; but since it was Tom, she watched the bottle clandestinely.
It now has the power to lash together those infected computers into a vast supercomputer called a botnet that can be controlled clandestinely by its creators.
Research on heteroual male cross-dressers finds that most began cross-dressing clandestinely before puberty, with some starting as early as their preschool years.
The probability to produce the weapon-grade plutonium clandestinely in some countries were discussed, some possible ways to detect the clandestine production activities have been given.
When they used that as a password, the G-Men found a program that allowed the spies "to encrypt data, and then clandestinely to embed the data in images on publicly available websites."
When they used that as a password, the G-Men found a program that allowed the spies "to encrypt data, and then clandestinely to embed the data in images on publicly available websites."