Lately, some large brand real estate agency corporations defalcate clients funds and break out fund sandal.
Fund managers could thus claim that a positive return was down to their own brilliance, rather than a general rise of the market, and clients could not tell the difference.
It could launch its own hedge fund, offer new credit products or even enter asset management for high-net-worth clients.
He has set up limit orders for around a third of his clients to buy either a stock index fund or a commodity ETN in the event of a sharp swing.
Managed account platforms, which allow an investor's assets to be held separately from the main fund, are popular because clients can keep track of their positions.
At Goldman Sachs, Wilson is responsible for senior relationships with industrial, diversified, and sovereign fund clients in Europe, the Middle East and Africa.
The regulators alleged Goldman did not disclose to clients that a hedge fund eager to short the housing market had influenced the type of loans included in the security.
Swindlers and legitimate fund managers both project an image of respectability and stability - and they both make promises about how much money they can make for clients.
Half a century ago little information was available and clients barely knew whether their fund manager was outperforming his peers.
But poor performance in 2008, when the average hedge fund lost 19%, has led to a mass exit of clients and managers.
To aggravate matters, fund managers can find that intermediaries churn funds as they seek to generate income from their clients, causing assets to disappear as fast as they arrive.
As the manager of a large hedge fund put it recently, Goldman's clients talk about it in the same way that campers chatter nervously about grizzlies.
Fund managers who turn bearish too early can lose their jobs or their clients.
In short, if Banks cannot fund themselves, they cannot fund their clients.
Its clients' assets under management exceed those of China's mutual-fund industry.
Some of Goldman's institutional clients, such as CalSTRS, a Californian pension fund, have publicly expressed concern.
The Securities and Exchange Commission is looking into whether AA Capital, a buy-out fund spun out from ABN Amro, a Dutch bank, misappropriated $11m of its clients' money.
Fuller spent most of last year working (yeah... right) in Bermuda for a hedge fund. The following utilities help him keep his clients happy.
Get market timing wrong and they may lose a fortune (or, if they are a professional fund manager, their clients will).
And, according to the survey, clients think funds of funds will continue to supply just over half of hedge-fund assets under management.
As markets collapsed in September 2008, and his fund lost 9% during that month, clients say Mr. Combs was disappointed but quite calm, unwilling to sell shares he believed in.
The other day I was reading about a very successful hedge-fund manager who ripped off millions from his clients, got caught, faked his suicide, and went on the lam.
The clients thought they were picking the best fund managers; the value investors were avoiding overpriced stocks; the growth managers were doing what they were paid to do.
The IMF's natural clients in emerging Asia and Latin America have repaid their loans and amassed their own defences against financial crises. This has left the fund all suited up with nowhere to go.
There is a risk that, just when borrowers get into difficulty, hedge-fund clients may demand their money back.
Even when fund managers are able to contact their clients directly, there is no guarantee that they will reply.
And that may explain why so many hedge-fund managers get rich, and why their clients are much less likely to do so.
And that may explain why so many hedge-fund managers get rich, and why their clients are much less likely to do so.