Configure a client and add both sources the the clients list.
Your network administrator must have added your machine to the list of allowed clients for network boot.
As mentioned, to boot via the network Adaptor, your network administrator must have added your machine to the list of allowed clients for network boot.
Clients - Shows a list of database client hosts involved in the workload.
Don't hire a new employee if you have neither a big project nor a waiting list of clients lined up.
Generic notifications can still be sent, but clients asking for a list of notifications will not see them listed.
I've often recommended that clients place a list on their bathroom mirrors, near their computers, and on their refrigerators.
From that moment on, two versions of the contact list exist, one that is used by legacy clients and one that is used by the release 7.5 client.
In the init method we instantiate a thread that gets the stock quotes and writes it to all the clients that are listening, i.e all the response objects in the openConnections list.
The first step of the path expression calls the db2-fn: xmlcolumn function to obtain a list of XML documents from the CONTACTINFO column of the CLIENTS table.
路径表达式的第一步调用db 2 - fn:xmlcolumn函数从clients表的contactinfo列获得一个xml文档的列表。
When it's complete, you will be able to choose among users who are on your buddy list and send and receive messages through the Web page to users on traditional IM clients.
创建完成后,您将可以选择您的好友列表中的用户并能通过We b页面向传统IM客户端上的用户发送(或接收)消息。
After 50 dollars are deposited, clients start getting a list of available domain names via E-mail for a period of 30 days.
Also, a list of CMIS repository providers and some interesting CMIS clients can be found in the Lotus Quickr wiki article, "Implementations of CMIS."
您还可以在Lotuswiki文章“ImplementationsofCMIS”中找到CM IS知识库供应商的清单和一些令人感兴趣的CM IS客户端。
Bill Townsend, CEO, Blue Source: "We have a customer list of 100-plus clients... They have a customer list of thousands. A company the size of Goldman is hunting for a really big supply."
BlueSource的首席执行官Bill Townsend说:“我们的客户名单上有100多位顾客…他们的客户名单上有上千家,像高盛这种规模的公司寻找的是真正的大订单。”
The figure shows three DB2 clients using different GSS-API plug-ins, and a DB2 server with a list of the GSS-API plug-ins it supports.
该图展示了三个使用不同GSS-API插件的DB2客户机,以及一个带有支持的 GSS-API 插件列表的 DB2服务器。
Regardless of whether this solves the problem of an ever growing list of clients, once the IPv4 addresses run out there can be no new servers.
Currently, WebSphere MQ 5.3 does not let SSL clients pass a list of CipherSuites to the server.
目前,WebSphereMQ 5.3不让客户机向服务器传送密码套件列表。
Do you keep your clients on an email list?
在你的email list里是否有你客户的联系方式?
The mbeanServer bean gets injected into the exporter bean — the class that exposes the list of MBeans to JMX clients like JConsole.
mbeanServerbean 被注入到 exporterbean —将MBean列表呈现给JMX客户机(比如 JConsole)的类。
If I feel that clients are misguided or unfocused, I'll often help them establish some core principles first. The following list is a good starting point.
For example, an application may present a button labeled clients that, when clicked, displays a list of contacts that are your clients.
This list of books you sell is quite large, as you're an established retailer. So you've provided the following list of query parameters that clients can use to filter the results.
For the purposes of this article, the assumptions come from my experience with clients-namely, a desire to extend an existing enumerated list with additional values.
You’ve built a good list of repeat clients.
The client after connecting to the server sends a login message. And, after that, we send a List message to get the names of clients in the chat room.
Instead of testing that push puts an object into a list, you should be testing the contract that a stack has with its clients.
Samba stores a lot of information at run time, from local passwords to a list of clients it is expecting to hear from.
The list of clients includes jobs in progress.
A certificate Revocation List describes certificates that clients should consider invalid.
A certificate Revocation List describes certificates that clients should consider invalid.