There is considerable climatic variation, with annual average temperatures ranging from 29'C in Florida to -13.3'C in Alaska.
On the basis of global warming, it was significance to predict and prevent local frost through analyzing the characteristics of frost climatic variation.
It does convey the information that climatic changes on both the Loess Plateau and in the polar area were all greatly influenced by global climatic variation.
The climatic variations since 1961 on Qinghai south plateau were analyzed in this paper. It indicated that the annual and autumn precipitation did not have significant tendency of variation.
通过对1961 年以来青南高原气候变化的分析,发现该地区年平均降水量及秋季降水量无明显的变化趋势,且其年际间的波动趋于缓和;
The new technology has a prosperous future in popularization and application in the research in micro-scale process of sea surface, global climatic variation and energy flux between air and water.
However, due to a considerable variation in land area, 1 population density and climatic, geological and topographical conditions, the extent of forest cover differs greatly among the island states.
The global distribution drift and seasonal variation of the sea ice are simulated and analyzed by using the monthly climatic atmospheric data.
Among the climatic factors which affect the geographic variation of tracheid morphological, moisture and rainfall are the principal factors, secondary is temperature.
Climate variation results in the change of agriculturally climatic resources and their variation affects the change in the crop growth period (CGP).
The climatic conditions contributing to this high quality are enough sunlight in growing period abundant rainfall and higher daily temperature variation in summer.
There was complex relationship between the provenance variation of variables and the climatic factors and geographical position of seed sources.
The dynamic analysis shows that the climatic productive potential there has great variation from year to year, especially in the region where water is a dominant limiting factor.
The dynamic analysis shows that the climatic productive potential there has great variation from year to year, especially in the region where water is a dominant limiting factor.