For all that the "licence Raj" was supposedly scrapped two decades ago, it can still take nearly 200 days to get a construction permit and seven years to close a business.
It has grown from a one-man business to a multi-million dollar business with close to $10 million in assets.
Periodic surges of intense Iranian economic nationalism must be understood partly as a reaction to the close relations between British business in Iran and the British government.
This requires close relationships between the business analysts and it architects, and a disciplined approach to managing the pieces and parts that are assembled.
At the same time they want improve the current 24 hour batch process and provide a "close to" real time solution for their business partners.
These examples show, once again, that only close business/IT cooperation coupled with a top down SOA approach are the ones that ensure SOA success.
While this is certainly useful information, it does not come close to describing all of the actual business requirements that a messaging network needs to support.
Security is a multi-faceted problem that requires close analysis of all the vulnerable factors in a business infrastructure.
Occasionally youmay have a close relationship with someone who typically getscalled Sir, Madam, Mr or Mrs (for example, a business executive, acelebrity, a professor or a person older than yourself).
On his watch financial markets nearly imploded and needed close to a trillion dollars to keep Fannie and Freddie in business along with overleveraged brokerage houses and banks belching black blood.
在他的任内,金融市场几乎崩溃。 他需要接近一万亿的美元来维持房利美房地美的正常运行。而房利美房地美由于过分使用杠杆,导致经纪人手头积压了房产和银行的不良贷款。
Consumer and business confidence rose in the euro area in September, with Germany leading the economic-sentiment indicator for the 16-member currency union close to a three-year high.
All of those names are some of the hottest in the startup scene and all the companies in those various portfolios will now have a close business connection to
这些名字在初创公司领域里都是响当当的,现在他们将和Bit .ly进行密切的商业接触。
One working theory is that IBM would potentially buy Sun and sell the hardware business to Fujitsu, a close partner of Sun. IBM could license Solaris, since it would own the code, to Fujitsu.
The latest survey from Ifo, a Munich economic-research institute, shows that business confidence remains close to a 15-year high.
The 400,000 employee company is as close as the world has to a universal supplier of IT software, sales, service, and consultancy for every one of the world's large business sectors.
The close integration of these tools can be leveraged to create a single, seamless model for business, application, service, and data requirements.
If it becomes a petro-currency, many factories will be forced to close unless the needlessly high costs of doing business in Brazil are slashed.
As a result, Switzerland's economy is tied to Germany's, with Swiss GDP growth and Germany's IFO index of business confidence exhibiting a close relationship.
因此,瑞士经济与德国经济息息相关,瑞士的GDP增长率与德国商业信心指数I fo显示出密切的相关性。
I have had a close-up view of numerous business failures — including a few start-ups of my own.
“He's been accused of being too close to business and this is a convenient way to dispel that notion without really changing anything,” says one.
“He's been accused of being too close to business and this is a convenient way to dispel that notion without really changing anything, ” says one.
Trying to make a business contract? To close the deal, you'll need a legal business contract in writing between the parties.
He was going to move into an apartment, but at the last moment, my cousin and he saw a new house for sale, that was close to his business.
Whether you're trying to find a business partner, attract investors, or close clients, being persuasive is a powerful and necessary skill.
My deputy chief of staff, Erskine Bowles, who had become a close friend and golfing partner and who was a superb manager and our best liaison to the business community, was going home, too.
My deputy chief of staff, Erskine Bowles, who had become a close friend and golfing partner and who was a superb manager and our best liaison to the business community, was going home, too.