We also hope to coordinate this article with a separate one on code generation tools that make top down development using EJBs really easy.
The service functions properly but, because of problems with the code generation tools, fails to achieve the primary goal of Web services; interoperability.
Code generation tools (especially those based on modeling) have really progressed and offer a simple syntax, efficient code generation, advanced features on par with modern IDEs like JDT.
In most applications, the developers need to hand-code business logic and validation rules that are not easy to auto-generate. How do the code generation tools address this requirement?
EMF is a modeling framework and code generation facility for building tools and other applications based on a structured data model.
Tools capable of complete code generation have not been available except for specific domains.
In addition, the tools allow for reverse engineering of existing waveforms, forward code generation of SCA infrastructure code, and the SCA compliance testing of ported waveforms.
UML modeling tools for code generation and reverse engineering are also used widely.
Unfortunately, in most modeling tools available today, code generation patterns are typically hard-wired into the tool, providing very limited support for customizing the target code to be generated.
This implies that the tools used for real MDD must be capable of complete code generation.
As described on EMF project's Web site, EMF is "a modeling framework and code generation facility for building tools and other applications based on a structured data model."
This collection of resources includes patterns and architecture topics in the form of written guidance and models with code generation in the form of tools integrated with Visual Studio 2008.
此资源集包括模式和体系结构主题(以书面指导的形式存在),以及代码生成模型(以与VisualStudio 2008集成的工具的形式存在)。
Future parts of this series will discuss tips and tricks in the Web services wizard, Web services testing and monitoring tools, and common Web services code generation issues.
Part of the power comes from the integrated experience that makes code generation, assertions, database backing, and diagnostic tools work seamlessly through Rails.
In a mature MDA environment, code generation — provided through tools from vendors such as Rational Software and their competitors — will be substantial or perhaps even complete in some cases.
在成熟的MDA环境中,如果使用Rational Software及其竞争对手提供的工具,代码生成是很有价值的,有时候甚至很完善。
Many modeling tools support only partial code generation (non-executable models).
Its new development workflow and improvements on productivity tools like refactoring, debugging and code generation are also highlights.
EMF is a modeling framework and code-generation tool for building tools and other applications based on a structured model.
The downside is that they all generate miserable code, so I don't use the code-generation or "round-trip engineering" features of these tools.
The V4 framework uses a different technique: code-generation tools.
We have to be much more willing to prototype our way to success and to use tools that will do complex parts of the systems development process (database design and code generation) for us.
Become familiar with the various command-line code-generation tools that Axis offers.
OSEK system does not provide tools for automatic generation of code.
Used by the code generation command line tools and tools in Visual Studio to generate strongly typed client-side objects for communicating with data services.
Used by the code generation command line tools and tools in Visual Studio to generate strongly typed client-side objects for communicating with data services.