We find out that the theory of coinsurance and that of internal capital market both can not explain the change of special capital structure of China's listed firms.
Instead, Sydnor suggest narrowing the universe by first looking at factors that don't have a huge impact like the coinsurance rate and the health care providers you really want.
Insurers often stipulate deductible amount, coinsurance clause and limit of liability in their contracts, so as to the directors and officers carry one part of the losses and costs.
The term "coinsurance at the same locality" refers to the coinsurance under which the insured subject-matter is located within the coinsurance underwriter's business operation area;
The establishment, modification and revocation of a coinsurance group as well as the formulation and amendment of its articles of association shall be reported to CIRC for archival filing.
The establishment, modification and revocation of a coinsurance group as well as the formulation and amendment of its articles of association shall be reported to CIRC for archival filing.