He attended college at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, where he took part in a program with IBM and in 1963 he received a Bachelor of Science in electrical engineering.
He hopes his son, 17, chooses a college based on the quality of its engineering, food-science or accounting program, and majors in one of those subjects.
I've just graduate from Hunan University of Science and Engineering with a Bachelor's degree, and I study hard in my college.
College of Material Science and Engineering, Soochow University; Department of Chemistry, Soochow University; Shandong University.
Created in 1935, the College of Science and engineering (formerly known as the Institute of Technology) brought together the University's programs in engineering, mining, architecture, and chemistry.
The humanity education of science and engineering college has brought not only historical chance but also impact and challenge with the coming of new century.
All the type specimens are deposited in the College of Lifeand Engineering, Southwest University of Science and Technology.
This is the website of the College of Food Science and Nutritional Engineering, China Agricultural University.
School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Zhongshan University; College of Science, South China Agricultural University; Department of Chemistry, South China Normal University.
Its type specimens are deposited in the College of Life Science and Engineering, Southwest University of Science and Technology.
This thesis discusses the specialties, aims and its realizing methods for basic medical knowledge teaching of Biomedical Engineering in science and technology college.
To investigate the relationship between personality trait and defensive mechanism among college students of science and engineering.
SETTING College of materials science and Engineering of Sichuan University.
College chemistry is one of the basic courses for the students of science in polytechnic university, whose specialty is not chemistry and chemical engineering.
Harvey Mudd is a small, specialized liberal arts college near Los Angeles, with an undergraduate body of about 800 students specializing in science, medical studies and engineering.
The project is being led by Professor Lee Cronin from the university's College of Science and Engineering.
SETTING: College of Material Science and Engineering, Jiangsu University.
HE Guoxing Mingxun Zhou (College of Science; College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering; ) Dong Hua University; Shanghai; 200051;
东华大学理学院; 东华大学化学与化工学院;
Liang jingjing College of Food Science and Biotechnology and Environmental Engineering; Zhejiang Gongshang University Hangzhou; 310035;
College of Resources and Environmental Engineering, Shandong University of Science and Technology;
College of Light Industry Science and Engineering, Nanjing Forestry University;
College of Life Science and Bio-engineering, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100022, China;
北京工业大学生命科学与生物工程学院, 北京100022;
College of Biological and Chemical Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology; 2.
Science and engineering branch of study college library and university student's humanity quality education;
Science and engineering branch of study college library and university student's humanity quality education;