I use an array to save the column spacing for each row.
The alternative is to reduce the height of the wall unit, keeping its length equal to the column spacing.
I took a texture of different colored squares, stretched it to give more directionality, and then scaled it to work with the column spacing of the architecture.
The architectural purpose of arcading, apart from introducing additional richness into the design, is to confer sufficient visual strength to permit a much wider column spacing.
Finally, it's just a matter of adding the new main title, an empty row for spacing, and a row with the column titles, as Listing 13 shows.
For instance, you can see how the right column of images overlap the text a bit, so you might widen the spacing between the gallery and the text.
Test results indicate that smaller hoop spacing provides higher column capacity and greater strength enhancement in a confined concrete core of columns.
Spacing module is often used in the layout of column system of industrial building. But in the portal frame light steel structure industrial building, unsuitable module can cause too large steel cost.
When we have a grid we set column widths in percentage also. It may bring to a question if you need some spacing between columns.
When we have a grid we set column widths in percentage also. It may bring to a question if you need some spacing between columns.