Despite all the reliability upgrades, with 70-mile winds, the trees will not just sway but come down on poles and wires.
Such things rarely come down on you.
Let bad luck come down on both the houses.
Let bad luck come down on both the houses.
Things like this don't come down on one suddenly.
The court will come down on whoever commits crimes.
It would be very difficult to come down on the price.
I can come down on the price a little, if that's what you want.
When you stop smoking, your blood pressure will come down on its own.
Put off thy holy mantle and even like him come down on the dusty soil!
It's probably clear by now that I don't come down on either side of the fence.
It was a little plane, and it was going to come down on the road in front of the prison!
It was a little plane, and it was going to come down on the road in front of the prison.
Sandra has never done anything wrong behind your back. Why should you bear her a grudge and come down on her like anything?
Food and singledom is the subject of two recent studies that come down on either side of whether or not bachelorhood does a body good.
But despite all the reliability upgrades, "with 70-mile winds, the trees will not just sway but come down on poles and wires, " he adds.
但是,尽管进行了全面升级,”在70迈的大风中,树木可不会光摇摆,而是直接砸到电杆和线路上。 “他补充到。
The crows, by the dozen, were crossing the river, high in the air, and they would come down on the trees and among the fields across the river.
In the past, action-RPGs have either come down on the side of action or RPG, and we don't think that's a choice that necessarily has to be made.
It may migrate from the human body to an angelic body and then come down on the human plane, or to the animal plane and be born again as an animal.
You can cite studies to support either the yes-they-do or no-they-don't arguments, but again, I will always come down on the side of artistic freedom.
But wherever you come down on China's motivations for its devaluation, it's clear that a cheaper renminbi will send ripple effects through the global economy.
Colored drawing is in the name of god, as the holy gods come down on earth. The mysterious frescos in BudaLa Palace of 1000 years bring people endless imagination.
Just by constantly watching the amount of thoughts come down on their own. Learning to watch without becoming identified will allow you to eventually catch the gaps between your thoughts.
After numerous debates with colleagues on this topic, I've firmly come down on the side of compile once, deploy to many target environments rather than compile and package in every target environment.
Sitting down on the bench, she began, "Come, Peter, I'll tell you something."
Hi, Lucy! Come on and sit down.
We would say that this whole area over which it migrates is its habitat because on this long-distance journey, it needs to come down to feed and sleep every so often, right?
The authority should come down heavily on people for driving after drinking.
Mr Vatikiotis is more sanguine, arguing that it is not really in America’s interest to come down hard on mediators.
Mr Vatikiotis is more sanguine, arguing that it is not really in America’s interest to come down hard on mediators.